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Edge Orchestrator

The edge_orchestrator orchestrates the following steps as soon as it is triggered:

  1. image capture
  2. image backup
  3. metadata backup
  4. model inference on images
  5. saving results


Set up your development environment

To facilitate the installation of the development environment, a Makefile automates tasks:

$ make
❓ Use `make <target>'
conda_env                       🐍 Create a Python conda environment
dependencies                    ⏬ Install development dependencies
tests                           ✅ Launch all the tests
unit_tests                      ✅ Launch the unit tests
integration_tests               ✅ Launch the integration tests
functional_tests                ✅ Launch the functional tests
pyramid                         ⨺ Compute the tests pyramid
pyramid_and_badges              📛 Generate Gitlab badges

** Python interpreter installation **

The project uses conda to manage Python virtual environments Miniconda installation guide.

** Install conda on MacOS **

The most direct way to install conda is still Homebrew:

brew update
brew install --cask miniconda

** Initialize the project environment **

Once Miniconda is installed, create the Python virtual environment and install its dependencies using the Makefile:

cd edge_orchestrator
make conda_env

** Install project dependencies **

make dependencies

** Setuptools "editable mode" **

To be able to benefit from Python packaging without being impacted during local development (i.e. without having to rebuild a package each time it is updated), we use the editable mode (see the official pip doc).

pip install -e .

During the installation of the development environment, the above command will have the following effect:

A file edge_orchestrator.egg-link was created in the edge_orchestrator virtual environment with the following content:

cat /usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base/envs/edge_orchestrator/lib/python3.9/site-packages/edge_orchestrator.egg-link

Thus, thanks to the egg-link, the python module edge_orchestrator is properly installed as a library in the virtual environment, but does not require regular repackaging after an update in local.

** Setuptools "development mode" **

To be able to install the library and its development dependencies (test libraries):

pip install -e ".[dev]"

** Setuptools "console_scripts" EntryPoints **

In the edge_orchestrator.egg-link file of the edge_orchestrator, the following entry_points block is configured

    # [...]
      'console_scripts': [
         'edge_orchestrator = edge_orchestrator.__main__:main',

The setuptools package allows you to configure different types of scripts, including console_scripts, which will generate a "shim" shell script that will be placed on the PATH and will call the edge_orchestrator.main:main function as configured.

This edge_orchestrator edge_orchestrator is located in the virtual environment created during project installation.

When the virtual environment is activated (by running conda activate edge_orchestrator), the $PATH environment variable is configured to point to the bin/ folder of the virtual environment.

$ echo $PATH

If we look inside this script, we notice that it is responsible for importing our edge_orchestrator module and calling its entry point.

# EASY-INSTALL-ENTRY-SCRIPT: 'edge_orchestrator','console_scripts','edge_orchestrator'
import re
import sys

# for compatibility with easy_install; see #2198
__requires__ = 'edge_orchestrator'

from pkg_resources import load_entry_point


if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw?|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('edge_orchestrator', 'console_scripts', 'edge_orchestrator')())

For more information, the documentation can be found here.


To run all tests:

make tests

To run only unit tests:

make unit_tests

API Routes

All routes are prefixed with api/v1. For example, to retrieve the list of items locally, use this url: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/items

You can also refer to the API swagger on the /docs url: http://localhost:8000/docs

Add a new configuration

All the JSON config files are in edge_orchestrator/config/station_configs If you want to create a new config, you need to add a new JSON in the above directory. Here's a template of a config file.

  "cameras": {
    "camera_id3": {
      "type": "fake" #type of the camera : fake, pi_camera or usb_camera
      "input_images_folder": "people_dataset",
      "position": "front",
      "exposition": 100,
      "models_graph": {
        "model_id1": {
          "name": "mobilenet_ssd_v2_coco", #name of the model
          "depends_on": [], #if this model depends on another model, if none then empty list
          "class_to_detect": ["cell phone"] #class to detect, always in list format and only for object detection model. If classification model, can delete this row
        "model_id6": {
          "metadata": "cellphone_connection_control",#name of the model
          "depends_on": [ 
          ], #the model_id6 depends on the model_id1
          "class_to_detect": ["connected"]
      "camera_rule": {
        "name": "min_nb_objects_rule", #name of the camera rule
        "parameters": {
          "class_to_detect": ["person"], #always a list
          "min_threshold": 1
    "camera_id2": { # if there's another camera, if not you can delete this section, if there's a third then add one.
      "type": "fake",
      "input_images_folder": "people_dataset",
      "position": "front",
      "exposition": 100,
      "models_graph": {
        "model_id1": {
          "name": "mobilenet_ssd_v2_face",
          "depends_on": [],
          "class_to_detect": ["face"]
      "camera_rule": {
        "name": "min_nb_objects_rule",
        "parameters": {
          "class_to_detect": ["face"],
          "min_threshold": 1
  "item_rule": {
    "name": "min_threshold_ko_rule", #the item rule name
    "parameters": {
      "threshold": 1

The comments are only here to guide you, you should delete them in your new json config.

Station config : Camera Description
type Camera type can be fake, pi_camera and usb_camera. pi_camera will be used for raspberry deployment. usb_camera is used when it is required to find a camera or webcam connected to the edge. A fake camera will not capture image but pick a random .jpg or .png file in the folder pointed by the "input_images_folder" parameter, which will be located in edge_orchestrator/data/.
input_images_folder Used with fake cameras, is the path to the folder from which the pictures are taken.
position Used for metadata, purpose of saving the camera parameters in the future
exposition Used for metadata, purpose of saving the camera parameters in the future
models_graph Pipeline of models used during inference. Dictionary of models, containing their names, depencecies to other models and all its possible parameters.
camera_rule Dictionary, key name containing the rule name and key parameters containing the selected rule's inputs

For the item rules, just inform the rule's name and parameters as a dictionary of the inputs.

Add a new model

  • All our models are in tflite format. In order to add an already trained model in the flite_serving folder. Inside this folder should be the .tflite model and if needed a .txt file with the labels/class names.

  • You also need to add this model in the inventory located in edge_orchestrator/config/inventory.json under the models category.

  • Classification model "your_new_model_name": { "category": "classification", "version": 1, "class_names": [ "class name 1", "class name 2", ... ], "image_resolution": [ x resolution for your trained model (int), y resolution for your trained model (int) ] }
  • Object detection model ``` "your_new_model_name": { "category": "object_detection", "version": 1, "class_names_path": "{name of file with the class names}.txt", "output": { "boxes_coordinates": "{name of the boxes_coordinates variable in your model}", "objectness_scores": "{name of the objectness_scores variable in your model}", "number_of_boxes": "{name of the number_of_boxes variable in your model}", "detection_classes": "{name of the detection_classes variable in your model}" }, "image_resolution": [ x resolution for your trained model (int), y resolution for your trained model (int) ], "objectness_threshold": minimum threshold score for an object to be detected (float)

    } ```

Model parameters Description
category Model's category, can be object_detection, classification or object_detection_with_classification
version Model's version, used in the API link, should be 1 mais c'est pas utilisé
model_type Type of model used, is Mobilenet or yolo. Mobilenet models return boxes as [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax] and Yolo as [x_center, y_center, width, height]
image_resolution List of ints corresponding to the x.y image size ingested by the model
depends_on Used to design model pipelines, is a list of models' names
class_names List of the label names as a list of strings
class_names_path Path to the labels files, the file should be located under the edge_orchestrator/data folder
class_to_detect List of label names that will be detected (for Mobilenet)
output: detection_boxes For detection models, name which will be given to the predicted boxes
output: detection_scores For detection models, name which will be given to the predicted scores
output: detection_classes For detection models, name which will be given to the predicted classes
output: detection_metadata For detection models, name which will be given to the predicted metadata
objectness_threshold Score threshold under which an object won't be detected

Add new camera rule

In order to make a final decision i.e the item rule, we first need camera rules. Each camera gets a rule. - Each rule is in a distinct file located in edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/domain/model/business_rules/camera_business_rules It's in this method that's the camera rule will be described. The method only takes the inference in argument.

  • You also need to precise the camera rule in the station config in edge_orchestrator/config/station_configs/
"camera_rule": {
        "name": "name of the rule",
        "parameters": {
          # parameters of the rules for example : 
          "expected_label": ["connected"]

  • You need to add the new rule in the get_camera_rule function located in edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/domain/model/ which get the good method from the name of the camera rule in the station config file.

Add new item rule

This is to make a final decision i.e the item rule. Each station config gets an item rule (only one). - Each rule is in a distinct file located in edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/domain/model/business_rules/item_business_rules It's in this method that's the item rule will be described. The method only takes the camera decisions in argument.

  • You also need to precise the item rule in the station config in edge_orchestrator/config/station_configs/
  "item_rule": {
    "name": "name of the item rule",
    "parameters": {
    # parameters of the rules for example : 
      "threshold": 1

  • You need to add the new rule in the get_item_rule function located in edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/domain/model/ which get the good method from the name of the item rule in the station config file.

The camera and item rules are called in the edge_orchestrator method edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/domain/use_cases/ in the apply_business_rules function.

Adapters description

Binary storage adapter

When an image is captured by any camera, VIO is saving the image in a storage. The binary storage adapter is responsible this process. 4 binary storage systems are implemented in VIO: - File System Binary Storage: Saves the image in the filesystem under the VIO/edge_orchestrator/data/storage folder. - Memory Binary Storage: Saves the image in memory as a dictionary. - Azure Container Binary Storage: Saves the images in an Azure Blob Storage container. - GCP Binary Storage: Saves the images in a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

Theses adapters are implemented in the edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/infrastructure/binary_storage folder and the base mock class is defined edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/domain/ports/

Camera adapter

The camera adapter is responsible for localizing the connected cameras and capturing images, 3 camera systems are implemented in VIO and are chosen in the model configuration: - Fake Camera: Picks a random .jpg or .png file in the folder pointed by the "input_images_folder" parameter, which will be located in edge_orchestrator/data/. - Pi Camera: Used for Raspberry deployments to capture the images. - USB Camera: Used when to find the connected cameras or webcams and capture images.

Theses adapters are implemented in the edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/infrastructure/camera folder and the base Camera class from which the adapters inherit is defined in edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/domain/models/

Inventory adapter

Used to store the configuration settings. One adapter is available for json configuration files. - Json Inventory: Reads the configuration from a json file.

This adapter is implemented in the edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/infrastructure/inventory folder and the base mock Inventory class is defined in edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/domain/ports/

Metadata storage adapter

When a task is done, the configuration and the results are saved in a metadata storage. An example of the stored data is shown below:

Metadata json

"serial_number": "serial_number",
    "category": "category",
    "station_config": "yolo_coco_nano_with_1_fake_camera",
    "cameras": {
      "camera_id4": {
        "brightness": null,
        "exposition": 100,
        "position": "back",
        "source": "people_dataset"
    "received_time": "2024-04-02 11:22:12",
    "inferences": {
      "camera_id4": {
        "model_id4": {
          "object_1": {
            "label": "person",
            "location": [
            "score": 0.9098637104034424,
            "metadata": null
          "object_2": {
            "label": "person",
            "location": [
            "score": 0.559946596622467,
            "metadata": null
    "decision": "OK",
    "state": "Done",
    "error": null,
    "id": "03a7adc7-59d5-4190-8160-4a71fd07cac5"

4 metadata storage systems are implemented in VIO: - File System Metadata Storage: Saves the metadata in the filesystem under the VIO/edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/data/storage folder. - Memory Metadata Storage: Saves the metadata in memory as a dictionary. - Azure Container Metadata Storage: Saves the metadata in an Azure Blob Storage container. - GCP Metadata Storage: Saves the metadata in a Google Cloud Bucket. - MongoDB Metadata Storage: Saves the metadata in a MongoDB database.

Theses adapters are implemented in the edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/infrastructure/metadata_storage folder and the base mock class is defined edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/domain/ports/

Model forward adapter

The model forward adapter is responsible for the model inference, it performs the inference with the required post and pre-processing. 5 model forward systems are implemented in VIO: - Fake Model Forward: Returns a random inference result. - TF Serving Wrapper: Redirect the prediction task to one of the 3 following Tensor Flow model forwarders. - TF Serving Detection Wrapper: Performs the inference with a detection model. - TF Serving Classification Wrapper: Performs the inference with a classification model. - TF Serving Detection and Classification Wrapper: Performs the inference with a detection and classification model.

Theses adapters are implemented in the edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/infrastructure/model_forward folder and the base mock class is defined edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/domain/ports/

Station config adapter

Used to store the station configuration settings. One adapter is available for json configuration files.

This adapter is implemented in the edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/infrastructure/station_config folder and the base mock StationConfig class is defined in edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/domain/ports/

Telemetry sink adapter

Sends the telemetry data to a sink for further processing and analysis. 3 telemetry sink systems are implemented in VIO: - Fake Telemetry Sink: Does nothing. - Azure Telemetry Sink: Sends the telemetry data to an Azure IoT Hub Module. - Postgresql Telemetry Sink: Sends the telemetry data to a Postgresql database.

Theses adapters are implemented in the edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/infrastructure/telemetry_sink folder and the base mock class is defined edge_orchestrator/edge_orchestrator/domain/ports/